Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis — Contents
Quantitative Chromatographic Analysis
by Raymond P. W. Scott,
part of the Chrom-Ed Series
Table of Contents
Historical Introduction
The Importance of Chromatography as an Analytical Technique
Critical Factors Involved in a Successful Chromatographic Analysis
Procuring a Representative Sample
Transportation and Storage
Sample Preparation
Analytical Procedures
Data Processing
Analytical Reports
Sample Collection, Transport and Storage
Gas Samples
Sampling for the Major Components of a Permanent Gas Mixture
Sampling for Minor Components of a Gas Mixture
Sampling Benzene Vapor in Air
The Analysis of Flower Fragrances
Head Space Analysis
Solid Phase Micro Extraction
Liquid Sampling
Solid Sampling
Powder, Granules or Crystals
Bulk Stocks
Bags and Sacks
Oily Solids
Coarse or Lumpy Solids
Small Containers
Road or Rail Vehicles
Bulk or Heaps
Ships Holds
Reduction of the Sample to Analytical Size
Sample Size
The Chromatography Detector
The Dynamic Range of a Detector
Detector Linearity
The Determination of the Response Index of a Detector
The Incremental Method of Linearity Measurement
The Linear Dynamic Range of a Detector
Detector Response
Detector Noise
Short Term Noise
Long Term Noise
Measurement of Detector Noise
Detector Sensitivity or the Minimum Detectable Concentration
Practical Considerations
Sample Preparation
Practical Considerations
Extraction Techniques
Pre-Extraction Practices
Ultra Centrifugation
Ultra Filtration
Separation by Exclusion
Solvent Extraction
Solvent Extraction by Segmented Flow
Solid Phase Extraction
The Solvent Extraction of Solids
Super Critical Fluid Extraction
Acylation Reactions
Post-Column Derivatization
Concentration Techniques
Chromatographic Data
The Efficiency Required to Achieve a Specific Resolution
Peak Deconvolution
The Detector Response
Data Processing
Introduction to Manual Measurement
Peak Area Measurements
Peak Height Measurements
Computer Data Processing
The Acquisition of Chromatography Data
Transmission of the Data to the Computer
Data Processing
Data Analysis
Some Simple Computing Techniques
Chromatographic Control
Quantitative Analysis Using Reference Standards
Quantitative Analytical Methods for GC and LC
The Internal Standard Method
The External Standard Method
The Normalization Method
Quantitative Analysis by TLC
Comparative Spot Assessment by Visual Estimation
Application Examples
The Extraction and Analysis of Carbonyl Compounds from Natural Products
Determination of Bixin and Norbixin in Human Blood Plasma by GC (26)