Dispersion in Chromatography Columns
Introduction to the Rate Theory
The Summation of Variances
The Alternative Axes of a Chromatogram
The Random Walk Model
Dispersion Processes that take Place in an LC Column
The Multipath Process
Longitudinal Diffusion
The Diffusion Process
The Resistance to Mass Transfer in The Mobile Phase
The Resistance to Mass Transfer in the stationary Phase
Resistance to Mass Transfer Dispersion
Diffusion Controlled Dispersion in the Stationary Phase
Diffusion Controlled Dispersion in the Mobile Phase
Effect of Mobile Phase Compressibility On the HETP Equation for a Packed GC Column
The Van Deemter Equation
Alternative Equations for Peak Dispersion
The Giddings Equation
The Huber Equation
The Knox Equation
The Horvath and Lin Equation
The Golay Equation
Experimental Validation of the Van Deemter Equation