Liquid Chromatography Detectors


Detector Specifications

Dispersion in Detector Sensors

Dispersion in Connecting Tubes

Low Dispersion Tubing

Dispersion in the Detector Sensor Volume

Dispersion in Detector Sensors Resulting from Newtonian Flow

Apparent Dispersion from Detector Sensor Volume

Dispersion Resulting from the Detector Time Constant

LC Detectors Based on Refractive Index Measurement

The Refractive Index Detector

The Angle of Deviation Method

The Fresnel Method

The Christiansen Effect Detector

The Interferometer Detector

The Thermal Lens Detector

The Dielectric Constant Detector

The UV Detectors

The UV Absorption Detectors

The Fixed Wavelength UV Detector

The MultiWavelength UV Detector

The MultiWavelength Dispersive UV Detector

The Diode Array Detector

The Fluorescence Detector

The Single Wavelength Excitation Fluorescence Detector

The Multi Wavelength Fluorescence Detector

Transport Detectors

The Moving Wire Detector

The Chain Detector

The Modified Moving Wire Detector

The Disc Detector

The Evaporative Light Scattering Detector

Liquid Light Scattering Detectors

The Low Angle Laser Light Scattering Detector

The Multiple Angle Laser Light Scattering (MALLS) Detector

The Electrical Conductivity Detector

The Electrochemical Detector

Electrode Configurations

Electrode Construction

Basic Electrochemical Detector Electronics

The MultiElectrode Array Detector
