Gas Chromatography


The Modern Gas Chromatograph

Gas Supplies

Supplies from Gas Tanks

Pure Air Generators.

Pure Nitrogen Generators.

Hydrogen Generators

Pressure Controllers

Flow Controllers

Flow Programmers

Injection Devices

Packed Column Injectors

Open Tubular Column Injection Systems

Retention Gap Sampling

Sampling by Solute Focusing

GC Columns

The Packed GC Column


Supports for GLC

Coating the Supports

Column Packing

The Capillary or Open Tubular Column

Dynamic Coating

Static Coating

Open Tubular Column Types

Chiral Stationary Phases

The Column Oven and Temperature Programmer

GC Detectors

The Flame Ionization Detector

The Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector (NPD)

The Electron Capture Detector

The Katherometer Detector

Data Acquisition and Processing

The Scaling Ampifier

The A/D Converter

Data Processing

Quantitative Analysis


Acylation Reactions

Preparative Gas Chromatography

The Moving Bed Continuous Chromatography System



Free Fatty Acids from Milk

Lime Oil

The Head space Analysis of Tobacco

Food and Beverage Products
