Capillary Chromatography


History of Capillary Columns

Apparatus for use with Capillary Columns

Gas Supply

Injection Systems

Automatic Sampling Systems.

The Column Oven

Open Tubular Columns

Dynamic Coating

Static Coating

Capillary Tube Connections

Detectors for Use with Capillary Columns

The Flame Ionization Detector

The Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector (NPD)

Capillary Column Theory

The Optimum Velocity and Minimum Variance per Unit Length

The Optimum Velocity

The Minimum Variance/Unit Length of the Column

Column Switching Techniques

Back flushing Techniques

Heart Cutting

Apparatus for Heart Cutting

Applications of Capillary Columns in GC Analysis

Chiral Separations with Cyclodextrin Stationary Phases

The Analysis of Gasoline

The Analysis of Pesticides

The Analysis of Pharmaceutical Products

The Analysis of Basic Drugs by Capillary Column GC

The Analysis of Neutral and Acidic Drugs by Capillary Column GC

High Temperature Stationary Phases

The Resolution of Some Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Carborane Based Stationary Phases
