Stearic acid
Stearic acid, prepared by hydrogenation of cottonseed oil, is used in manufacturing soaps and greases. It is most often measured using HPLC, GC/FID and GC/MS.
stearic acid: CAS No. 57-11-4, C18H36O2, molecular weight 284.48, boiling point 350°C, melting point 69.4°C, density 0.94gm/mL, vapor pressure 0.00mm Hg at 25°C, flash point 196°C, autoignition temperature 395°C (refined), slightly water soluble is a colorless waxy solid prepared synthetically by hydrogenation of cottonseed and other vegetable oils or from tallow acid by selective crystallization or solvent separation, and is coproduced with oleic acid. It is used in manufacturing stearates and stearate driers, lubricants, soaps, greases, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, accelerator activators, dispersing agents and softeners in rubber compounds, shoe and metal polishes, coatings, suppositories and ointments, candles, paper sizing ingredients (specialty papers), polyvinyl chloride heat costabilizers and synthetic rubber vulcanization activators. It is most frequently measured in commercial preparations and the bulk commodity using reversed phase HPLC, GC/FID and GC/MS.
Edible Oil Adulteration by HPLC/ELSD
To detect adulteration of olive oil with vegetable oil by measuring triglycerides, a reversed phase HPLC procedure with ELSD detection was developed.
Fatty Acids by HPLC/ELSD
The determination of fatty acids by reversed phase HPLC with ELSD detection was found to be superior to that by UV detection. Analytical-bore columns with flow splitters were found to produce equivalent results when narrow-bore columns were not available
Underivatized C14-C18 Fatty Acids by HPLC/ELSD
Six underivatized fatty acids were separated by reversed phase HPLC/ELSD.